What an honor it was to stand up for you at your wedding two weeks ago. The whole experience -- bachelor party, rehearsal dinner, wedding day -- was pure fun. I really enjoyed meeting Gary and Sarah, Hadley and Clara, your grandparents, other friends, and seeing your mom and dad again.
I didn't make it to the mic for the reception tribute. But you have always been a special friend of mine and a tribute for you has been brewing in my soul ever since.
Our first meeting was at the train station in St. Paul, bright and early Easter morning of 2006. You were relocating from Seattle and made arrangements to live with us sight unseen. I pulled my Jeep up to a tall smiling 20 year-old. You gave me a big hug and we threw your bags and bike in back.
One of the cool things about being friends with you is that I end up doing things that I would not otherwise do. You bring out a part of me that I like very much. You pulled me into your adventures. Here is a sample of some of them I found myself on:
- A borderline insane 60 mile bike ride to Stillwater on Memorial Day in 96 degree temps. We were practically the only ones on the trail and promptly came home and collapsed.
- Mountain biking on Lutsen with me on a hybrid. Somehow I didn't crash, but it was a fun afternoon with you and Aaron on Minnesota's highest peak.
- Many, many wrestling matches. They are still talked about here at the house. I just never mention who won them.
- All kinds of sports. We started running in the fall, lifted weights in the basement, bought a punching bag, had punching contests, push up contests, and arm-wrestled.
I am thankful for you, brother. You are manly, passionate and adventurous. You have an inspiring faith and I am truly blessed to know you. If there is ever a way that I can be a friend to you, don't hesitate to call. God's blessings on your new life with Katy.
Dave O