Monday, April 27, 2009

Growth Into Manhood

The third national Exodus conference was held in my hometown (Lakewood, Colorado) in 1982. Still coming to terms with SSA in my own life at 22, I wasn't sure if I was ready to attend. But I was curious about the whole thing, snuck in late and sat near the back door in case I wanted to bolt. After the closing prayer many of the participants were socializing, but Alan Medinger spotted me alone by the door. He approached and asked what brought me to the conference. I remember little about the conversation, other than he was kind and encouraging and that he prayed for me.

So I had a positive experience with the author of Growth Into Manhood before I picked it up. But by the time I closed the cover, I concluded that it is the best book I've read on same-sex attraction. Reading it is one of most helpful things that a man with SSA can do for himself.

Medinger has been a pillar of the Exodus movement dating back to the 70's. He has been a ministry director in Baltimore, and can be called a leader among leaders. He had been in the ministry over 20 years when this book was written and it is filled with solid counsel from a Christian perspective. There is much wisdom and encouragement in these pages that many will find helpful in the journey.

In chapter 1, Medinger says that "homosexuality is at its core an identity problem." A man "feels empty in some place where he senses he should feel strong." The answer to the identity problem, he says, is growth. He chides Exodus ministries for focusing more on understanding and healing than on growing. This growth occurs by understanding the masculine (chapter 7), understanding what men do (chapter 8) and then doing what men do (chapter 9). The chapters on relating to women are an excellent help to the man ready breakthrough to a hetersexual relationship.


TCM said...

I've read that book, and I used it to name my blog. Then, I changed the name of my blog a little. :-)

jonathan said...

The growth process will take some pain, mistakes, and learnings. You will be fine after that.