Sunday, September 14, 2008

10K in the Rain

I got in a few hours ago from the longest run of my life. Seven miles in the rain around White Bear Lake with Cale, my prosthetist. It was my first run in the rain, but nothing new for Cale, who said that he often trained in rain as a reservist. It wasn't a hard rain, and I didn't mind at all. (Next time, however, I'll know better how to dress for the rain. I really overdid it.)

The value of training with another man is starting to become clear to me. Today, for example, the rain might have been enough to keep me off the trail. But Cale wasn't backing out so I wasn't going to either. I also had some significant leg pain after mile five (and I was getting tired). Had I been alone, I might have stopped. No, I would have stopped! But Cale and I had a great conversation going and I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and before long, we were back at the marina where we started.

And as far as masculine development goes, training with other men is of tremendous value. Whatever the endeavor, other men will push you to go harder and farther. They will teach you the best techniques and new exercises. They will watch your form and point out when you need to improve. As you sharpen your skills, you will do the same for them. Whenever I can, now, I train with another guy.

Iron sharpens iron,and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

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