Sunday, September 21, 2008

More than a light fixture

For 18 years, our house has had a chandelier, which one visitor described as "feminine". I dismissed the comment at first but eventually saw the light (sorry) and decided it should go. We are a household of men, afterall.

I found one on clearance at Home Depot (where men buy light fixtures). It seemed to fit the house so today we did the installation.

Once again, it was more difficult than the directions let on. This time it was Adam who helped me to think through the problems. It truly looked like it wasn't going to happen at several points. The connecting bolt was too long for our box (we took a hack saw to it). The instructions were less than worthless, so we proceeded by instinct. I told Adam that the obstacles were what make it fun and I really meant it.

(One more lesson I have learned about the man's world of tools is this: a man keeps his tools organized and ready to use. The retractable knife, for example, is kept in a certain place and he doesn't have to run all over the house looking for it.)

So a feminine thing has been replaced with a masculine thing. This is the same work that I desire for God to be doing in my soul. Not that there is anything wrong with the feminine, of course. But God has created me male, and called me to glorify Him in masculine ways. As I grow in the masculine, God is glorified, I am satisfied, and the wrong longings for masculinity fade away.
Behold, I make all things new. Revelation 21:5

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